Stagecoach in London low floor doubledeckers
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Stagecoach Dennis Trident Alexander ALX400 S814BWC
Seen on the 48 near Liverpool Street is one of the first Stagecoach East London Dennis Tridents with Alexander ALX 400 bodywork, TA14 (S814BWC).
Stagecoach East London
Stagecoach Dennis Trident Alexander ALX400 T648KPU
A slightly newer vehicle, TA48 (T648KPU), seen in the same location, but on route 26 to Hackney Wick.
Stagecoach East London
East London Trident on 55
Seen in Oxford Street near Centre Point is one of the first Stagecoach East London Dennis Tridents with Alexander ALX 400 bodywork in service on the 55 alongside the existing Olympians on this route.
Stagecoach East London
Stagecoach Dennis Trident Alexander ALX400
The same vehicle seen from the rear.
Stagecoach East London
Stagecoach Dennis Trident Alexander ALX400 and Arriva DAF
A few curses in the direction of the Transit van, but a shot of the Trident with one of Arriva's first low floor DAFs - also with ALX400 bodywork emerging from under Centre Point on the 242.
Stagecoach East London
Stagecoach in London low floor doubledeckers
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